Silica Gel At Its Best As Adsorbent Desiccant
Silica gel is also Among the most frequently used desiccants that are having the complete type of Silicon Dioxide. This Silicon dioxide is a mineral that this can be found naturally on the planet’s surface. This silica gel is synthetically produced from the sectors from silicon dioxide. These are made in the shape of crystals or little granules that are quite hard and irregular in shape. This is one of the most popular desiccants that have been marked as the maximum capacity of absorption. The silica gel has the capacity of greater adsorption of water molecules along with the very small poles have produced the physical adsorption capacity of the desiccants. The principal advantage for which Silica gel is widely used as a material or a desiccant is its property of non- reacting substance. The material is very non- reactive with different materials and doesn’t react chemically with other materials in nature.
The best way to utilize the silica gel is to use it in room temperature i.e. 70- 90 degree Fahrenheit and at a high humid temperatures. Silica gel has the capability of adsorbing different materials aside from water. Silica gel becomes the greatest adsorbing material due to the property that they can also absorb clay and other different type of substances within the environment. The relative Ordering of the materials which are adsorbed with the support of silica clay are as follows.
- Water
- Ammonia
- Alcohols
- Aromatics
- Diolefins
- Olefins
- Paraffins
This order is Feasible in the increasing order of the adsorption capacity. For example, we can say that as water is more powerful chemical then ammonia, hence water will get displaced from the chemical ammonia and have excellent adsorption properties. These adsorption capacities have created the Silica gel among the popular desiccant manufacturers in india in the majority of the industries. The excellent Property of adsorption is such it can consume up to one- third of the weight of silica gel. If we compare the adsorption capacity of silica gel with other desiccants, silica gel has the capacity of adsorbing around 35 percent greater than other desiccant materials and materials. Silica gel is very non- toxic and inflammable. Silica gel is having a land of adsorbing excellently and with the life- time warranty, they are also being used in the air- tight plastic containers and fresh water bottles.